My gear – 2025 update

One of my most read post was about my gear, I did it years ago so it’s time to update you about what I am actually using in weddings, portraits, campaigns and travels



Nothing new about the cameras, I am still very very very happy about my Sony A7III (I have 3 bodies) and Sony A9 as backup. I still find the autofocus performance to be more than ok for weddings and I still like the files (very neutral raws, that’s what I look for).


No big news, I am still in love with my Sony Zeiss Distagon 35mm f1.4 and my Zeiss Batis 85mm f1.8, I use them for 90% of the pictures. I just love their rendition when shooting backlit and their colors, very neutral. Usually I put on the Sony 28mm f2 for the dancing shots and I’ve added the amazing Sony GM 50mm f1.2 that I use mostly for the wedding reportage at night.


I rarely use artificial light at weddings since I think they will kill the mood and slow down the process during portrait sessions but I use them for the cutting of the cake and dancing shots.

Most of the time I use a little Ulanzi 40w with included battery since it’s very small and gives me a decent output for both the scenarios. Once first dance has been shot I switch to my trusted godox speedlites (V1 and v860iii, sometimes with triggers, sometimes on camera, it depends on the time I have to do it and the venue)


I have been using a Mavic DJI mini 3, I love the battery duration and the files are ok, you can’t wish for more during a wedding



90% of the times, if I do not need to shoot pictures with action, I use my trusted medium format Fujifilm GFX 50s. I got it as a gift 5 years ago in Las Vegas and I’ve been using it since. It has a very slow AF but the files and the rendition is amazing. If I have to use a faster AF I use a Sony a7iii but it happened just a few times.


most of the times I use the amazing Fujifilm GF 80mm f1.7, not the fast AF ever but the rendition is amazing, I love it. If I need to be wider I have also a GF 50mm f3.5 but I rarely use it.

For Sony I usually use a Zeiss 85mm f1.8 or the amazing 50mm f1.2 GM


If I’m shooting outdoor I rely on my trusted Godox AD600BM as main light and Godox ad200 as rim or fill. I love the battery duration and the power, I’ve shot so many pictures using these flashes outdoor, I was even able to shoot a campaign in Barcelona around 1pm in a sunny day.

for my studio session I’ve started using some new amazing LED lights from Colbor, CL220 and CL 220r (RGB) that allow me to go into different moods in a matter of seconds, I really love them. I also have some led tubes that I use as background props mostly.


This is simple, I just a use a Fujifilm x100VI.

I love that the camera is very compact and I can carry it in a pocket, most of the times I use a film simulation jpeg so I can save time and enjoy the free time. The files are very good, AF is quick but not as reliable as on my sony cameras but it does the job perfectly.

it has a leaf shutter and a small flash so it’s nice to use that combo too.

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