Hello guys this is the first of many real wedding that I will post on my blog, it’s also one of the latest work of this wedding season and one of the one I loved the most. Matteo and Sara contacted me at the end of 2015 and we planned…
well….today I’m not sharing any wedding or love picture, I’m a eclectic photographer so I do like shooting in very different situation and style, this is just a preview from a small reportage I’m doing about a boxeur training here in Florence’s suburbs that will fight in Milan at the end…
hello guys maybe somebody noticed that lately my wedding/engagement pictures have the TuscanyWed logo but….what is TuscanyWed ? TuscanyWed.com is the project that me and my great and trusted colleague Silvia Galora had in mind from a very long time and that we just lauched on the web. Me and…